Welcome to Kubeclipper!

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Manage Kubernetes in the most light and simple way !

KubeClipper is a lightweight, simple graphical interface Kubernetes cluster lifecycle management platform.

It is fully compatible with K8S, allows users to quickly deploy the K8S clusters required by the enterprise on customer-managed infrastructures through a friendly wizard-like Web UI, and provides continuous full life cycle management capabilities.


Provides friendly wizard graphical interface, allows beginners to quickly deploy a cluster and the required plug-ins.


Simple architecture, few dependencies, only two command lines for platform deployment.


Simple and professional, it supports rich cluster parameter configuration and plug-in management, meeting production-level cluster deployment requirements.

Quick Start

1. Download kcctl
2. Deploy KubeClipper

curl -sfL https://oss.kubeclipper.io/kcctl.sh | sh -

# In China, you can add cn env, we use registry.aliyuncs.com/google_containers instead of k8s.gcr.io
curl -sfL https://oss.kubeclipper.io/kcctl.sh | KC_REGION=cn sh -

kcctl deploy  [--user root] (--passwd SSH_PASSWD | --pk-file SSH_PRIVATE_KEY)